Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yesterday was my rest day. I went to dragon boat rowing training for the first time- which involved learning the technique so nothing that strenuous.

Not too sure what kind of workout I should do today. Maybe I should give the weight lifting a rest and go for a jog. I'm going to start training for the Tough Bloke Challenge on the 13th of December. Should start setting a few goals and targetting my weaknesses.

I'm going to aim to get my BFP back down to 22% and start going for long jogs once a week, incorporating in things like stair runs and monkey bars. Also training three days on, one day off with one of the training days concentrating on a particular body part from my old split training routine. Should start targetting my weaknesses, which would be my back and shoulders.

Anyway, I've really got to start focusing on my uni work too.


-»drOøLie said...

*manly voice* tough block challenge hehe

i'll do it with you lol. i'll probably die after the 3km warm up!

row row row ur boat gently to the rich people's area and steal one of their boats!! >:]

C said...

sure you wanna do it? wanna register???

how did know that you were gunna comment LOL