Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today, I decided to take the day off since I hadn't actually had a proper rest day. Tomorrow's workout is looking like either:

Ten rounds for time of:
12 Burpees
12 Pull-ups
This one was today's CFHQ WOD.


Run 5k, timed.
And this it tomorrow's WOD.

I ended up doing neither and did this workout instesad since I was craving for some Overhead Squats:
21-15-9 for time of:
25kg Overhead Squats
10:02:51 minutes

Why not do both! Run to the gym, do the workout, run home. Sounds like a good idea. I hope it doesn't rain on me again tomorrow during my run. I don't mind running whilst it's raining, I just hate the smell of myself afterwards.

This will be my celebratory workout for landing myself vacation employment at Hyperion Asset Management. I was so not expecting it. I was grateful to be accepted for unpaid work experience, and then the manager at the Sydney office told me that he'd be interested in employing me as a vacationer. Woohoo!


-»drOøLie said...

LOOOL! Who the hell celebrates getting a job by working out?? You're a true gym junkie for real!!

Anyway, to tell you the truth, you smell funny rain or no rain. hehe hope it doesnt rain on you too. have fun running to the gym :D

C said...

haha. go and do something productive with your time man!