Saturday, October 25, 2008

Linda (aka "3 bars of death")
For Time:
10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 rep
* Deadlift 60kg
* Chest press 12.5kg DB
* Clean 30 kg
34:56 minutes

I'm going to KILL this one! I'm in one of those moods where I need a workout to take my fustrations out on.

THIS WORKOUT COMPLETELY SMASHED ME. I was up to 6 reps and I didn't think I could finish it. It hurt but I persevered. I hate having to put all the equipment back after a massive workout, especially if you're on your own.

Had a few guys tell me that they LOVE my workout. I still have the shakes from it!


-»drOøLie said...

ooo excellent.. i shall do this one 2mr :D

three chocolate bars of death.. yummmm

C said...

haha, you're going to die. you're subbing the cleans for one-arm snatches yeah? it has to be heavy! around 15kg?

i love one arm snatches! such a powerful exercise.

-»drOøLie said...

um like i couldnt do 15kg snatch.. i only did 10 and i think i pulled something cuz i tried doing 15kg :(