Friday, October 30, 2009

Rob Orlando, you hurt me

Complete 5 rounds, 1 round constitutes 3 cycles of the following:
5 Deadlift, 20kg
5 High hang power cleans, 20kg
5 Front squat, 20kg
5 Push Jerk, 20kg

4 rounds:
150ft Prowler, 10kg each side
10 Box jumps
10 KB Squat Cleans, 16kg (10 each side)

It took me about 10-15 minutes to recover from the second workout. I felt so nauseous and dizzy after. Nevertheless, it was one awesome workout I'd love to do again.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

3 rounds for time of:
50 Box jumps
25 Ring dips
50 Dub unders
25 Push ups
31:26 minutes

Last night was spent at dragon boat training. Getting pumped for the 200m race next Sunday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


21, 15, 9 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 30kg
Pull ups
8:51 minutes

Monday, October 26, 2009


Saturday's WOD
400m Row
10 Hang Snatch, 20kg
15 Front/Back Squats 20kg
20 Pull Ups
80m Farmers Walk Kettlebells 16kg

This is one of the few workouts that I've looked at and know that I will be absolutely wrecked after, before attempting it.

5km Run

Friday, October 23, 2009


Tamaryn Venter and Nadine Burns are both amazing athletes. Last night I went through Tamaryn's old blog. Wow, she is a machine for a girl of her size. You would not be able to even guess the amount of strength and power in that tiny (but tall) frame of hers. Simply amazing.

CrossFit Baseball

As many rounds as possible in 40 minutes of:
10 reps of the "Exercise"
100m Run
10 Squats
100m Run
10 Push ups
100m Run
10 Pull ups
100m Run

The "Exercise" was picked out of the bucket each round. They were:
25kg Push Press
50kg Deadlift
1000m Row
400m Run
16kg KBS
60kg Deadlift
30kg Overhead Squat

5 rounds of:
5 Knees to elbows
Bear crawl
20 Hammer throws (10 each side)
100m Sled Run, 25kg
Bear crawl backwards

Thursday, October 22, 2009


50 Wall Balls (10ft), 6kg
50 Push ups
35 Wall Balls
35 Push ups
20 Wall Balls
20 Push ups

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Taking it easy

3 rounds for time of:
50 Double unders
25 Pullups
50 Situps
25 Box jumps

3 rounds for time of:
50 Air squats
15 Ring dips
10 Hang power cleans, 30kg

Max ring dips: 12, 13, 16 (yellow power band)

Couldn't give my best effort for the first WOD this morning. Felt much better by the afternoon though although I still have a bit of a runny nose and a cough.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rest day

Woke up with a sore throat which turned into a cold as the day progressed. I decided to rest instead of hitting CF after work. It was a good call or else I would not have gotten much rest at all this week. Will catch up on the missed workout tomorrow morning.

I'm starting to find myself with less time with CF and study keeping me busy. Definitely glad that I've kicked the studies up a notch though. Four weeks left of this semester so fun and games can come later.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Next competition

Next competition is in Newcastle on Saturday 7th November. I'm going to have to skip it because of work and a dragon boat race the day after. Now, I'm looking forward to the CrossFit Penrith competition on Sunday 6th December. That's about two months away. Something to train hard and eat properly for.

Dragon boat races don't compare to these competitions.

Recovery day

3 rounds:
500m Row
20 Walking lunges
20 Push ups
20 KB Swings, 12kg
20 Squats

50 KB Swings, 12kg
50 KB Snatches, 12kg
100 KB Push presses, 12kg
50 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 12kg
50 KB Front Squats, 12kg
50 KB Turkish Get Ups, 12kg
50 KB Clean & Presses, 12kg
100 KB Swings, 12kg

And I thought it was a recovery day. That second WOD hurt. My body is so wrecked and even more sore than it was this morning thanks to that 500 KB movements workout.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

CrossFit Wollongong Open Day

21, 15, 9 reps for time of:
KB Swings, 16kg
Burpee Box Jumps
Thrusters, 20kg

WOD 2- Baseline workout
500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit ups
20 Push ups
10 Pull ups

Friday, October 16, 2009

Last workout before Comp Day!

3 rounds for time of:
25 Box Jumps
200m Run
25 Burpees
200m Run
100 Skips
200m Run

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Snatches or Oktoberfest?

30 snatches for time, 25kg
11 minutes

Snatches win!

First time attempting a workout with snatches in them. Can't wait for the next time it pops up.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

30, 20, 10 reps for time of:
Row (cal)
Burpee Box Jumps
Pull ups

Tabata this:
Ring dips
Box jumps
Wall balls, 6kg

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

5 rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts, 35kg
12 Power cleans, 35kg
9 Front squats, 35kg
200m Run
31:47 minutes

I did all my power cleans one at a time. They were definitely my weak point but I'm happy that I pushed through all five rounds at 35kg. That little voice in my head didn't stop me today.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Strict press 1-1-1-1-1
Push press 3-3-3-3-3
Push jerk 5-5-5-5-5

4 rounds for time of:
400m Run
1:47, 1:35, 1:34, 1:31 minutes

WOD 3- Angie
100 Pull ups (power band)
100 Push ups (toes)
100 Sit ups
100 Squats

I feel lopsided. Sore on my right side from the race yesterday.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Third for Premier Open's A team.

Made the finals for the Mixed A team but still no win.

Today's second heat and finals race for the mixed team was a sign of good things to come. The final's race was so close and given the team we put together, we did extremely well. Definitely a great start to the season and I'm looking forward to racing with the team again.

CrossFit has made a difference.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rest day

Finally, a rest day just in time for the race tomorrow. It's been an gruelling week at the gym and I'm still getting sore in places that I've never been sore before. It's time I get my sleeping pattern right again. Six/seven hours of sleep is nowhere near enough for my body to repair, especially if I plan on training twice a day.

Can't wait to get back in on Monday though.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Went back for seconds tonight.

Partnered up and attempting each exercise one after the other, 3 rounds for time of:
10 Push presses, 25/40kg
10 Ring dips
10 MBC, 6/10kg

While your partner attempts the exercise, hold the baby... and don't drop it! (16/25kg KB).

Bradley & I finished it in 10:06 minutes.

Knees to elbows, 21 reps
5 rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts, 60kg
10 Burpees
7:07 minutes

Kipping pull ups

Got to get rid of that voice in my head. I'm sure I could have shaved about two minutes off that time if I didn't stop to catch my breath after the burpees or stop in the middle of the burpees. You don't need to catch your breath to do the deadlifts better. It's just your head telling you to take a break. You don't need to jog instead of run, it's just that voice in your head telling your legs to go a little easy. You don't need to rest after a rep unless you push through the pain and fail.

It's starting to get even more serious now. I'm setting goals for myself and a time period to achieve them in. I'm on the Zone, but I'm still tweaking it. I want to compete, especially in the CrossFit Regional Qualifiers halfway through next year for the CrossFit Games in 2010. I want to conquer a muscle-up in eight months. I want to be able to belt out 20 kipping pull-ups in a row and at least 5 strict pull ups.

I know what I have to do to get there. Doesn't matter what I have to give up, I will do it.

Happy days to come!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wounded Warrior WOD 2

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Pull ups
Clean & Jerk, 25kg
200m Run
11:28 minutes

6 x 3 rep Ring dips
Kipping pull ups
4 x 1 rep Strict pull ups
Muscle ups

My triceps are dead.

In other news, I will be competing at the CrossFit Wollongong Open Day. First time competing... Scary!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My forearms. Oh my.
This morning at CFNQ was spent on the following:
  • Clean & Jerks
  • Muscle ups
  • Kipping pull ups
  • Skipping drills

I have set my goal. A muscle up in eight months.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wounded Warriors WOD 1

As many rounds in 10 minutes for time of:
4 Thrusters, 25kg
8 SDHP, 25kg
12 KBS, 16kg

Followed by:
10 x 20kg Squats
10 x 40kg Squats
10 x 50kg Squats
6 x 60kg Squats
Kipping pull ups practice.

Haven't done squats for a while. A little more weak than what I used to be but that's okay. I'll get back there in no time with more practice.

I'm slowly getting into the zone. Tomorrow definitely has to be a zone day with CF in the morning and dragon boating at night. Got to stock up on vegetables and proteins tomorrow after CF.

Monday, October 5, 2009

How yummy are the guys at CrossFit?
The next few months will be exciting. I have my eyes set on two things. And I will get it too.

Friday, October 2, 2009


No work today which means CrossFit in the morning. Bradley taught me the basic eight boxing moves then we ran through some exercises. It was good to have something different for a change. Maybe I could be in the ring sometime soon... not. Had a good chat with him afterwards too. Top bloke.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

200 Skips
50 Push ups
160 Skips
40 Push ups
120 Skips
30 Push ups
90 Skips
20 Push ups
40 Skips
10 Push ups

Pull ups

Starting to nail the kipping pull ups!