Wednesday, November 11, 2009


5k Row
24:58 minutes

WOD 2- Helen
3 rounds for time of:
400m Runs
21 KB Swings, 16kg
12 Pull ups

Helen will be the first workout I've done with the kipping pull up. I've almost got the technique down pat and I should find a good rhythm somewhere in this workout. Ideally, I'd like a time of around 12 minutes. We'll see how I go.

The 5k row this morning was awesome. I despise the rowing machine mainly because I'm short and I can't pull it back as far but I know I could probably make up for some of this with my legs. I'm glad that I stuck with it, no excuses.

Now for my next goal... nail those damn ring dips!

1 comment:

-»drOøLie said...

smash helen :P it's my favourite workout!