Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rest day

This rest day has been unwillingly enforced upon me. Ergh.

It's been just over two months at CFNQ now and I'm still seeing improvements each session. My technique is getting better and emotionally, I'm much more stronger. I stopped thinking "ouch, this hurts, slow down" and instead, I push through the pain. I listen to my body and I know when I can give it that little bit extra. I also know when I shouldn't push my body just incase I injure myself, like on Tuesday. I am more aware of my body and what it can handle.

It's hard to stay away from the gym because you keep wanting more. I sit at home and think about how I can improve my pull ups or how much I want to be able to do those ring dips. I know it's the smart thing to do by resting. Being to eager to train constantly will definitely undo all the hard work I've put in.

A lot of people would not understand why I'm so crazy about CF. Most of the time when I try to explain, I can see it in their facial expression or the way they respond. Nevertheless, I absolutely love how it all just looks so insane to someone who's not familiar with it. It is insane.

So... back to dreaming about the gym. I will see you tomorrow morning, CFNQ.

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