Friday, December 4, 2009

Annie II

WOD 1- Annie
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Double unders
Sit ups

3 rounds of:
21 Pull ups
15 KB Swings, 16kg
9 Deadlifts, 60kg
400m Run

I was so fustrated training this morning from combination of lack of sleep, anger and a workout with double unders. I really wanted to nail Annie, even though I can't do continuous double unders, I wanted to give this workout a good kick. Left feeling disappointed.

I am still so mesmerised, watching those top Crossfitters train. The way they can block out almost everything and train to the point where their emotions and physical feelings are separated is so admirable. There is no stopping until your body is physically unable to continue, not because your mind is telling you to. They have no fear.

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