Wednesday, September 16, 2009

45 Dub unders
45 Squat cleans, 30kg
45 Ring dips
45 Dub unders

I've never worked at such a high intensity on a regular basis and I love it. It's mentally and physically challenging. After every sesson so far, I can feel my muscles being sore immediately after the workout. Driving home is harder than usual because I can't even lift my arms. They feel so heavy. Showering is even worse because, by then, muscle soreness can be felt almost everywhere- even places you never imagined you could be sore.

A lot of the times I'm fighting the voice in my head. Sometimes I don't want to complete the round or I might not want to push another rep. At that moment, I just think about what upsets me and I yell. There's been a lot of tension and anxiety over the last four/five months. A lot of emotion that has built up inside me and I've finally found a way to channel (I think that's the word!) all that negative energy.

$250/month is pretty steep and I don't know if I can keep it up. It did fit into my budget, which also factored in a good amount of money saved each week, but we all know that sticking to a budget may not always work. If I can't keep it up, I'll just go back to my gym and buy some rings, kettlebells and a box to use as well.

Shepherd's pie went well yesterday and it was all gone by today. Baked fish on vegetables tonight.

1 comment:

Michael said...

lies!! you told me you had none left over uh muhhh