Thursday, February 25, 2010

After experimenting with my diet yesterday and cutting the fats down a little, it really hit my hard during training. Didn't feel to good towards the end of the session, got off the boat feeling dizzy and I couldn't stop shaking. Long story short, I won't be cutting the fats out again, that's for sure.

Decided that it'd be wise to take today and tomorrow off for the race on Saturday. Wise decision indeed! My lower back needs to loosen up.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What to do?

Fight Gone Bad workout is today. I thought I'd give it a miss considering DB training is this evening and my lower back has tightened up again after yesterday's workout. Will head to CF tomorrow morning instead for my last sesson this week before the big race on Saturday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Comp WOD 3

For time:
600m Run
then, 2 rounds of:
30 Deadlifts, 50kg
30 KB Swings, 16kg
30 Ring push ups

Lacking sleep, I walked into the gym wanting to go home. Nevertheless, I smashed the workout. Could I have gone any harder? Probably not. I was just ecstatic that I made it well under the cut off, that was set at the comp over the weekend, of 20 minutes.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Clean & jerk, 47.5kg
Snatch, 35kg
Ring dips, 8
Strict press, 32.5kg

Facing a 40kg snatch this week.

Welcome back

Haven't been keeping this updated but, yes, still training as hard as ever. Reaching 8 sessions a week at times, including dragon boating. So this is how my typical training schedule looks like at the moment:

Monday- CF AM, DB PM

Tuesday- CF AM

Wednesday- CF AM, DB PM

Thursday- Rest

Friday- CF AM

Saturday- DB PM

By Wednesday night, I am so drained physically and mentally I lie in bed tossing and turning, struggling to fall asleep even though my brain is switched off.

I don't really have the motivation to dragon boat anymore. It gets in the way of what I really want to be doing, CrossFit, but there's only a couple of months left and the big races to conquer so I might as well stick with it until the end.