To be decided. Better be a good one, because I'm feeling pissed off!
Modified Kelly
5 round for time of:
Row 400m
30 Box Jumps
15 Kettlebell Swings, 15kg
This workout was a killer. After the second round, I started hurting. Going from the row to the box jumps was hard, especially trying to catch your breath and the pain in the legs. It basically smashed me and was just what I needed. Felt like giving up after the third round and I started thinking about everything that's been bothering me, which gave me the adrenalin to go hard at the end.
I love taking out my anger during a workout and completely going crazy!
Yesterday's workout:
The Crippler (part 2)
30 Bodyweight Deadlifts
1k Row
10 minutes on the dot
In other news, I had one hell of a long weekend. Four days in a row of partying has taken it's toll on my body.
This holidays has been so much fun. I've never been so unwilling to go back to uni and face the realities of the next six/seven weeks. No...
Yesterday, I bought tickets to Japan for ten days in February. I made up my mind in about 24 hours. I've always just wanted to get the hell out of Australia and into some foreign and unknown country, escaping everything familiar. Even though Japan was never high on my "travel to" list, I guess it's better than nothing!
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