5 reps of max. holds for L-sit
WOD:4 rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters, 30kg
15 Ring dips
15 Pull ups
200m Run
This WOD is going to suck. The 30kg thrusters will feel heavier than ever and I will definitely struggle on the ring dips, a movement I used to be quite good at. It has been extremely demotivating to see how much weaker I have gotten in a lot of exercises. 100 squats are no longer a walk in the park, 30kg cleans feel like 40kg cleans from 3 months ago, 16KB swings feel like how they did 7-8 months ago.
I've got to stay focused. I still love that pain I feel during the WOD, but I now hate the fustration that is currently lingering around when I'm not hitting the times and weights I want. I once was good at channelling my anger, fustration and annoyance in a workout and I've got to find that connection again.